
Astro Rakesh Periwal 04th Feb 2017

In the ancient time there was a deep link between astrology and ayurveda. Astrology is a great science. Medical science cured our diseases of our body or body parts. Similarly diseases can be predict and cured through astrology. Sometimes it is seen that after taking medicine according to medical science, the disease can not be cured. But after taking remedies according  to astrology, the disease is cured with the same medicine. Sometimes the physician treats wrong due to planetary position. So if a physician has deep knowledge  in astrology, then the diseases will be predicted more surely and the patient will be informed in advance.nGreek physician Hippocrates ——-

who is called the father of Allopathy, said that , “A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”nDr. Kallman of Psychiatric Institute, New York(USA) said, “Every being has a clock set at the moment of his birth, which predetermines particularly illness and accidents.”nDr. B.V. Raman said, “An experienced astrologer could indicate the predisposition of a person towards heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer etc. with considerable accuracy.”

How to detect diseases:

6th, 8th and 12th house are evil house. When a planet placed in any of these houses, or the lords of these houses is placed in the other houses or conjoined with other planets and   make relation with natural malefic or disease inflicting planet, then in the dasha or antardasha of the damaged planet the disease will be take place in the parts indicating by the planet, the house and the sign(rashi). 6th house is the house of disease and 6th lord is responsible for disease. 8th house and 8th lord indicate chronic disease, incurable disease and death. 12th lord and 12th house indicate suffering and hospitalization. The dasha and antardasha of the lords of these houses and the planets who make relation with these houses or the house lords should be judged very carefully. Besides this the dasha of the maraka planet should judged very carefully. We judge longevity from 8th house. 8th from the 8th is 3rd. the 3rd house is the alternative house of longevity. We know that we judge the expenditure of any house from it’s 12th house. So 12th of 8th —– 7th and 12th house of 3rd —–2nd  are called maraka  and the lords of these houses are called lord of maraka. In classical astrology 22nd drekkan of ascendant is called the reason of death. We should judge from ascendant, from Moon, from Sun and from Mesh rashi to predict any disease. When from two or more lagna the disease has been predicted, then the disease will surely take place.  One another thing to judge, expect Sun and Moon every planet is owned two signs. Planets give the most result of it’s mool-trikona. Such as for Karkat lagna, Jupiter is the 6th lord and the 9th lord. As dhanu rashi is Jupiters mool-trikona and it is the 6th house for karkata lagna, Jupiter gives the most result of it’s 6th lordship.

I am not giving here which planet represent what kind of disease. Hopefully it is known to all learned astrologers. Here I am giving my experiences.


Cancer is a disease which is nearly incurable. It is said that —-‘Cancer has no answer’. Cancer is a malignant tumor, which can be grown in any part of body and spreads rapidly into the hole body. Rahu is responsible for all malignant growth. When malefic and strong Rahu makes relations with 6th, 8th, or 12th house or with 6th, 8th or 12th lord and aspects any house or placed in any house or placed in maraka house or aspects the maraka house or conjoined with maraka planet, then malignant growth can be effected to the parts of body which are indicated by above mentioned houses or signs. Besides this, when a house is afflicted by the lords of evil houses and the malefic planets, specially by Mars, Saturn and Rahu, then there is maximum chance of cancer in that parts of body indicated by that house. Strength of lagna and lord of lagna should also be judged.


Sometimes it is seen that part of body indicating house is not afflicted, but lagna, lord of lagna and indicator of that body parts is heavily afflicted. And from Sun lagna, Moon lagna and natural lagna(Mesh rashi), the house — indicator of the body part is heavily afflicted. Then cancer will be there in that part of body.


When 6th lord is placed in the lagna, 8th or 12th house and Mars, Saturn, Rahu make relation with that house or house lord and afflict any house, then cancer will effect in that parts of body which is indicated by the afflicted house or planet.


We should also judge the position of Ketu is responsible for all types of hidden disease. As a karaka of cancer Ketu should also be judged.


So we should judge Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars as the karaka planet of cancer. If these planets make relation with the lord of evil houses(6th, 8th, 12th) then there is a chance of cancer.


If a sign or house is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars together and if these four planets conjoined with maraka or some of them are maraka or afflicted by evil lord, then cancer will be there in part of body indicates by the afflicted house.



Leukemia is a disease due to increasing of white cell in blood. Malignant growth is created in white cell of blood and destroys the red cell of blood. New red cells are not created, so due to lack of pure blood pure blood is needed to be transplant. After some days the red cells of that new blood also destroyed. This disease is commonly known as ‘blood cancer’. Moon and Mars are the karaka of blood. From the signs Karkata, Vrischuka and Meena are the karaka of blood. And from the houses 4th, 8th and 12th house indicate blood.


Laws of the disease: If lagna and lord of lagna make relation with 6th house, 6th lord, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars and the watery signs —- Karkata, Vrischika and Meena are heavily afflicted, and with these 4th, 8th and 12th house also are being afflicted specially by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars then there is maximum possibility of blood cancer (This combinations should judged from every side, i.e. from lagna, moon, sun and mesh rashi). Beside these it is necessary to judge if the natural 6th lord Mercury is afflicted or not, the karaka of blood — Moon and Mars are afflicted or not by the malefic. Mars is the main karaka of blood. Mars is karaka for red cell and Moon is karaka for white cell. So if Moon and Mars are found to be weak by any reason, afflicted by malefic, debilitated, and afflicted by Rahu or Ketu and placed in the 6th, 8th, 12th or makes relation with 6th, 8th or 12th lord then there is maximum chance of blood cancer.

Rahu is responsible for any type of malignant growth and Ketu is responsible for hidden disease —– the disease which can not be detected easily. When Rahu and Ketu without any benefic aspect afflicts 4th, 8th, 12th house or the lords of the houses and the watery signs and Moon, Mars and make relation with 8th lord then there is maximum possible of blood cancer.


Example 1.  Date of birth – 30.11.1995,  Time of birth – 07:54 a.m. IST ,

Place of birth –  Howrah, West Bengal, India.

Explanations of example 1 :  Ascendant(Lagna) Dhanus. Mars and Venus in lagna. Saturn and Moon in 3rd. Ketu in 5th. Rahu in 11th. Sun , Mercury and Jupiter in 12th.

Case history: Blood cancer of the native was detected in August 2001. Then mahadasha of Jupiter and antardasha of Venus was running. The native is under treatment and now he is quite well.


Analysis : 1. Lagna is in the star of Ketu. Lord of lagna is in 12th house —– in the blood indicated house and in the star of the Maraka and badhaka —- Mercury, and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. The 12th lord Mars —- the indicator of blood is in lagna and conjoined with the 6th lord Venus. Mars and Venus both are in the star of Ketu. So the lagna and the lord of lagna both are afflicted by malefic.


  1. Mars , who is in the star of Ketu and joined with 6th lord Venus is aspecting the watery sign Karkat rashi. The lord of that sign — Moon is placed in 3rd(8th from the 8th) conjoined with the 3rd lord Saturn and aspected by Rahu. Vrischika rashi is aspected by Rahu(which is in the star of Mars) and Saturn(the maraka). The lord of the sign — Mars is conjoined with 6th lord Venus and in the star of Ketu. The  Meena rashi  is aspected by Mars and Jupiter(who is aspected by Saturn and Rahu). The lord of Meena rashi — Jupiter is in the 12th and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. So all the watery signs and their lords are afflicted.


  1. Natural 6th lord Mercury is the Maraka and Badhak itself. That mercury is in the 12th house and in his enemy’s house and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. So the Mercury is also afflicted.


  1. The 8th lord Moon is in 3rd house(8th from the 8th) and aspected by Rahu. That Moon is also the lord of 22nd Drekkan. So the 8th lord is afflicted.


  1. Indicator of longevity and normal health — Sun is in the 12th house, in the star of Saturn and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. Sun is also conjoined with Maraka and Badhaka — Mercury. So the Sun is also afflicted.


  1. The blood indicating houses — 4th , 8th and 12th house have fallen in the watery signs. So all these houses and the lords of these houses are afflicted, as I have described in point no. 2.


  1. The  6th house is aspected by Maraka and Badhaka Mercury and afflicted Jupiter and Sun. The 6th lord Venus is placed in lagna, in the star of Ketu and conjoined with blood representing planet — Mars. So the 6th lord and 6th house both are afflicted.


  1. In respect of Moon Lagna: The 6th lord Moon is in lagna conjoined with lord of lagna and in the star of 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter. Lagna and the lord of lagna are aspected by Rahu. So lagna and lord of lagna both are afflicted.

The  4th house is  Jupiter(2nd and 11th lord)and 8th lord Mercury. The lord of 4th house — Venus is in 11th house(6th from the 6th), in the star of Ketu, conjoined with Mars.There is no direct aspect of any planet in the 8th house, but there is rashi aspect of Venus. The 8th lord Mercury is aspected by Saturn and Rahu,and conjoined with 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter.In 12th , there is also the rashi aspect of Mercury(8th lord), Jupiter(2nd and 11th lord) and Sun(7th lord). The 12th lord is placed in lagna, conjoined with the 6th lord and aspected by Rahu.  So all the blood indicating houses and their lords are afflicted.

6th house is aspected by 3rd lord Mars and Jupiter. 6th lord being the karaka of blood is aspected by Rahu . So 6th house and 6th lord both are afflicted.

  1. The karaka for blood Moon and Mars both are afflicted.
  2. From Sun lagna: Lagna is aspected by Rahu and Saturn and conjoined by 2nd lord Jupiter and 8th lord Mercury. Maraka Jupiter is in the star of 8th lord. The lord of lagna Mars is in the 2nd house i.e. in the maraca sthana and in the star of Ketu. That Mars is also conjoined with 7th (maraca) and 12th( karaka for blood) lord Venus, and Venus is in the star of Ketu. So lagna and lord of lagna both are afflicted.

In the 6th , Ketu is placed in his own star and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. 6th lord Mars is afflicted. So, 6th house and lord of 6th house both are afflicted by Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.

In 4th house and on the lord of 4th house there is aspect of Rahu. Moon – karaka for blood is placed in the 4th and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. The 8th house is aspected by Rahu , 6th lord Mars and maraka Venus. Mars and Venus both are in the star of Ketu. 8th lord Mercury is hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Rahu is placed in the 12th house in the star of Mars. The 12th lord Venus is in the 2nd house— maraca sthana, in the star of Ketu, conjoined with 6th lord Mars. So the blood indicating houses——4th, 8th and 12th  house and their lords are afflicted.


11.In respect of natural lagna(Mesh rashi): Ketu is placed in ascendant in it’s own star. Rahu and Saturn are aspecting the ascendant. The lord of ascendant is in the star of Ketu, conjoined with Venus(2nd and 7th lord, and in the star of Ketu) and afflicted by Ketu. The dispositor of the lord of ascendant Jupiter is placed in the 8th and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. So the ascendant and the lord of ascendant both are afflicted.

The 4th house(Karkata) and the lord of 4th house are afflicted. 8th house(Vrischika) and the lord of 8th house are afflicted. 12th house(Meena) and the lord of 12th house are also afflicted. These are explained before. So the blood indicating houses and their lords get afflicted.

The 6th lord mercury is placed in the 8th and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. There is no direct aspect in the 6th house; but there are rashi aspects of Mars and Venus.

Conclusion: The native got attack of the disease in the mahadasha of Jupiter and in the antardasha of Venus. Jupiter gets afflicted and responsible for physical unhappiness. Venus is the lord of disease house; being afflicted by Ketu and Mars Venus becomes the karaka of the disease. Venus is conjoined with 12th lord and Sun is in the 12th. The lord of mahadasha is also in the 12th. So due to this 12th connection, in the antardasha of Venus and Sun the native was hospitalized many times.

Example 2 :- Date of birth – 19.06.1979, Time of birth – 10:30 am (IST), Place of birth – Jabalpur(M.P.)

Saturn and Rahu in ascendant(Sinha), Ketu in the 7th, Moon in the 8th, Mars and Venus in the 10th, Sun and Mercury in the 11th, Jupiter in the 12th.

Blood cancer of the native was detected in July 1990. As the indication of the disease the native was suffering from fever and pain in body and hands. The native was admitted several times in Tata Memorial Hospital of Mumbai and her blood was transplanted. The native died on 2nd November 1991.

In this chart we also get the afflictions of malefic planets as I explained in example 1. Due to saving space I am not giving the explanation. I think the learned readers can find the reasons of the disease.

Conclusion: Venus is in the constellation of Rahu and aspected by 6th lord Saturn—conjoined with Rahu; Venus is conjoined with badhaka and indicator of blood — Mars. The disease developed and detected in the mahadasha of Venus and the native also died in the mahadasha of Venus. Mars is aspected by Saturn and in the constellation of Sun. Sun is in the 11th (6th from the 6th) afflicted by Ketu and in the constellation of Mars. So the disease was developed in the antardasha of Sun. The disease was also detected in the mahadasha of Venus and in the antardasha of Sun. 8th lord Jupiter makes house exchange with 12th lord Moon. So due to the placement of 8th lord in the 12th, the longevity is decreased. For the placement of 12th lord in the 8th, hospitalization has taken place several times; and in the antardasha of 12th lord Moon the native died in hospital. Moon is the lord of 22nd drekkana of ascendant.

Cancer in Pancreas

Pancreas is a gland of digestive system. It creates insulin. It helps to digest carbohydrate, protein and fat added aliments. Insulin which is created by pancreas controls the sugar of blood. Pancreas is situated in the upper abdomen. Astrologicaly it is judged from 5th house. The karaka planet of pancreas is Jupiter and karaka rashi is Sinha.

Detecting an Ailment:- If Sinha rashi, Sun, 5th house, 5th lord, and Jupiter makes relation with 6th,8th,12th lords or afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn or afflicted by maraka planet then there is much possibility of cancer in pancreas. The role of Rahu and Ketu is much in this respect. Because Rahu is responsible for malignant growth and Ketu is of hidden disease i.e. those diseases which are not detected easily. Ascendant and lord of ascendant should be judged all times.

Example:- Date of birth – 28.03.1942, Time – 12:56 pm, Place – Shantipur, Nadia, West Bengal.

Moon in ascendant(Karkata), Rahu in the 2nd, Venus in the 7th, Mercury and Ketu in the 8th, Sun in the 9th, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the 11th. Lord of 22nd drekkana of ascendant is Saturn.

The disease of the native was detected in 1997. Symptoms were pain in abdomen and jaundice. After CT scan it was founded that there was a growth in the tube of pancreas. On 25th December 1997 an operation was held for bypass of the tube. Then it was founded that the growth was malignant. No good result was founded after the operation, but the situation of the native was decreasing day by day. On 23rd February 1998 the native was died.

Explaination:- 1. The degree of ascendant in the star of 7th and 8th lord Saturn. Saturn is also the lord of 22nd drekkana of ascendant. Lord of ascendant Moon is in the star of 3rd and 12th lord Mercury. That Mercury is in the 8th and conjoined with Ketu. Saturn is aspecting the ascendant and the lord of ascendant. Badhaka Venus is also aspecting ascendant. Another thing should be noted that Saturn is in the 11th(6th from 6th), conjoined with 6th lord Jupiter and aspecting the ascendant. So ascendant and the lord of ascendant both are afflicted.

  1. 6th lord Jupiter is in the 11th(6th from 6th), conjoined with 7th-8th lord Saturn(lord of 22nd drekkana) and 5th lord mars. 11th is the badhaka of the ascendant. So Jupiter has turned to disease karaka and maraka. The 6th house is aspected by Rahu and 5th lord Mars. The karaka house of pancreas is 5th house. Here it is seen that the 5th lord has made relation with 6th house, 6th lord and 11th house. So 6th house and 6th lord both are afflicted.
  2. the 5th house is aspected by 6th lord Jupiter, 7th-8th lord Saturn and 5th lord Mars. The 5th lord Mars is in the 11th(6th from 6th) conjoined with Jupiter and Saturn. For cancer ascendant Jupiter is 6th and 9th lord. The 6th for being the mool-trikona of Jupiter, Jupiter gives maximum result of his 6th lordship, specially when conjoined with or aspected by maraka. Here Jupiter is conjoined with maraka Saturn and placed in the badhaka sthana i.e. in 11th. So karaka house of pancreas — 5th and lord of 5th both are afflicted. The karaka planet of pancreas – Jupiter is also afflicted.
  3. Ketu is in the 8th conjoined with 3rd lord(8th from 8th) Mercury and in the star of 6th lord. 8th lord Saturn is in 11th e.i. in badhaka sthana, conjoined with Jupiter. 8th house is aspected by Saturn and Rahu. So 8th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.
  4. In the 3rd (Alternative house of longevity) 6th lord Jupiter and 2nd lord Sun(afflicted by Ketu) are aspecting. The third lord Mercury is conjoined with Ketu, aspected by Saturn and Rahu, in the star of 6th lord and placed in the 8th. So the 3rd house and it’s lord both are afflicted.
  5. In the 11th(6th from 6th) 6th lord Jupiter, 7th-8th lord Saturn and 5th-1oth lord Mars are placed. The 11th lord Venus is in 7th, aspected by 6th lord Jupiter and in the star of Mars. So the 11th house and it’s lord become the disease indicator.
  6. In respect from Moon ascendant: As the ascendant and Moon sign is the same, so all the considerable houses and planets are afflicted.
  7. In respect of Sun ascendant: The Sun, being the 6th lord is placed in the ascendant and in the star of 11th lord Saturn. The lord of ascendant Jupiter is in the 3rd(8th from 8th) conjoined with 11th-12th lord Saturn and maraka Mars; and in the star of 5th lord. Ascendant is afflicted by Ketu. So the ascendant and it’s lord both are afflicted.

Rahu is in the 6th in the star of 3rd-8th lord Venus. Maraka Mars, badhaka Mercury and Ketu are afflicting the 6th house. The 6th lord Sun is afflicted by Ketu and in the star of Saturn. So the 6th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.

The 5th lord Moon is in 5th aspected by Saturn and Venus and in the star of badhaka Mercury. The 5th house is hemmed between malefic. So the indicator of pancreas – 5th house house and 5th lord both are afflicted.

The 8th house is afflicted by Ketu. Rashi aspect of Saturn and Mars are there in the 8th. The 8th lord Venus is in 11th , aspected by karaka for pancreas – Jupiter and 5th lord Moon, and in the star of maraka Mars. So the 8th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.

  1. In respect of natural ascendant of zodiac(Mesh rashi):- The ascendant is aspected by Rahu. The lord of ascendant Mars is in 2nd and conjoined with Saturn. So the ascendant and it’s lord both are afflicted.

Rahu is placed in the 5th( the karaka house for pancreas) and aspected by 1st-8th lord Mars, 3rd-6th lord Mercury and afflicted by Ketu. Rahu is in the star of maraka Venus. The 5th lord Sun is afflicted by Ketu and in the star of badhaka Saturn and placed in the 12th. So the 5th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.

The 6th lord Mercury is in 11th conjoined with Ketu, aspected by Saturn and Rahu; is giving aspect in the 5th. The 5th lord Sun is aspecting the 6th. So being get afflicted the 6th lord makes relation with 5th house. Being get the aspect of Rahu the 6th house is also afflicted. The karaka planet of pancreas – Jupiter is afflicted and aspecting the 6th house. So karaka house for pancreas – 5th has made relation with 6th house.

The 8th house is aspected by 11th(6th from 6th) and badhaka Saturn, and by Mars. The 8th lord is conjoined with maraka Saturn and place in another maraka sthana 2nd. So the 8th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.

Conclusion:- If astrologers predict only the general life without judging disease, the whole prediction can be false; this chart is an example of it. Mars for cancer ascendant is raj-yoga karaka planet. Being the 9th lord, Jupiter is also said to be very helpful for this ascendant. The lordship of 6th house is neglected by maximum numbers of astrologers. This is very much wondering that the native was died in the mahadasha of Mars and in the antardasha of Jupiter. In general on one will predict death in this period. Jupiter and Mars both are afflicted by Saturn and placed in the badhaka sthana. Saturn is the lord of 22nd drekkana of ascendant. Planets give the lordship result of their ‘mool-trikona’ sthana mostly and this chart is the example of it. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter all these planets are proved to be the disease creater in this chart. Physical problem was started in the earlier time of Mars dasha. The disease was formed in the antardasha of Rahu as Rahu is in the 5th from Mesh rashi and responsible for malignant growth. Besides this Jupiter, Mars and Saturn make square aspect with Rahu. In the antardasha of Jupiter the disease was detected and the native was died. As Jupiter and Mars are conjoined with maraka and in badhaka sthana, they have turned into the most maraka. At last I am confessing that it is my mother’s chart.

Breast Cancer

Now-a-days the disease is often founded in the females. Breast is judged from the 4th house. Karkata is the rashi for karaka of breast. From 4th house and Karkata rashi the right breast should be judged; from 10th house and Makara rashi the left breast should be judged. The karaka planet of breast is Moon. 2nd,6th and 10th are the indicators of flesh; in zodiac Vrisha, Kanya and Makara are the indicator of flesh.

Detecting an Ailment:- When the 6th house, 6th lord, Kanya rashi or any disease inflicting house or any disease inflicting planet make relation with 4th,10th and 2nd or with the lords of those houses and make relation with Moon; and they are afflicted severely or in the evil houses, then there is maximum possible of cancer in breast. When Moon being the 6th lord placed in ascendant and 4th or 10th house is highly afflicted, then there is possibility of this disease. When 4th or 10th lord and karaka planet Moon will be in 6th,8th or 12th or heavily afflicted by malefic then there is possibility of this disease. When Rahu or Ketu makes relation with the above houses, signs and karaka planet then also there is possibility of this disease.

Example:- Date of birth – 06.02.1949, Time of birth – 11:25 am(IST), Place of birth – Tribeni, Hoogly, West Bengal.

Ascendant is Vrisha, Saturn in 4th, Ketu in 6th, Jupiter in 8th, Sun, Mercury and Venus in 9th, Mars in 10th, Moon and Rahu in 12th. Lord of 22nd drekkana is Jupiter.

The disease was detected in October 2002. The symptom was pain in right breast . On 21.11.2002 some parts of right breast was cut off by an operation in Kolkata. Then she went to Tata Memorial Hospital of Mumbai. There on 06.12.2002 the hole breast was cut off by an operation and chemotherapy was given. Now the native is totally cured.

Explanation:- 1. Retrograde Saturn is placed in the 4th house aspected by maraka Mars, 8th lord Jupiter and Rahu. The Saturn is badhaka for this ascendant and in the star of Ketu. 8th lord is in the star of 6th lord. 4th lord Sun is in the badhaka sthana, conjoined with 6th lord Venus and in the star of Mars. 6th lord is in the star of 4th lord. So karaka of right breast – 4th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.

  1. The ascendant is aspected by Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The lord of ascendant Venus himself is the 6th lord and is in the badhaka sthana conjoined with 4th lord. Tula is mool-trikona of Venus; so Venus will give maximum result of Tula rashi e.i 6th house. Venus is aspected by badhaka and retrograde Saturn. So the ascendant and it’s lord both are afflicted.

3.In karaka rashi Karkata, 6th lord Venus and maraka Mercury are aspecting. The        Saturn is also afflicting Karkata rashi due to retrograde. So Karkata is afflicted.

  1. Karaka of breast Moon is in 12th, in the star of 6th lord, aspected by Ketu and 8th-11th lord Jupiter and conjoined with Rahu.So Moon is heavily affliceted and giving aspect to the 6th.
  2. In the 6th Ketu is placed aspected by Saturn and Rahu and in the star of maraka Mars. The 6th lord Venus is in the of Mars, conjoined with 2nd lord Mercury and 4th lord Sun, afficted by Saturn(being retrograde). So 6th house and it’s lord both are afflicted. 6th has made relation with 4th.
  3. Indicator of flesh – 2nd house is aspected by 8th-11th(6th from 6th) lord Jupiter and afflicted by Ketu. 2nd lord Mercury is afflicting 2nd as he is retrograde, conjoined with 6th lord. Mercury is aspected by Saturn(as retrograde). 6th house and it’s lord are afflicted. In the 10th , maraka Maraka Mars is placed get aspect of Saturn and afflicted by Ketu. 10th lord Saturn is placed in the 4th —- the karaka for right breast, in the star of Ketu, aspected by Rahu, Mars and 8th-11th lord Jupiter. So the flesh indicating houses — 2nd,6th and 10th and their lords are afflicted.
  4. Flesh indicating signs – Vrisha is aspected by Mars, Saturn and Rahu, lord of the is afflicted. Kanya rashi is aspected by Mars and afflicted by Saturn(as it is retrograde). The lord of Kanya rashi Mercury is also aspected by Mars. Makara is afflicted by Saturn(as it is retrograde). The lord of Makara — Saturn is aspected by Mars, Jupiter and Rahu. So the flesh indicating signs and their lords are afflicted.
  5. The 8th lord is in the 8th , in the star of 6th lord, aspected by Rahu. So 8th house and it’s lord are afflicted.
  6. In the 3rd(8th from 8th) the 6th lord Venus, 4th lord Sun and the 2nd lord Mercury are aspecting. The 3rd lord – Moon is in the 12th , in the star of 6th lord, aspected by 8th-11th lord Jupiter and afflicted by badhaka Saturn(as it is retrograde). Ketu is also afflicting Moon. So the 3rd house and it’s lord are afflicted.

Similarly we can find the affliction of the karaka houses, the lords, planets of this disease in respect from Moon ascendant, Sun ascendant and natural ascendant of zodiac(Mesh rashi). We shall find that all the above disease inflicting signs, houses and theirs lords are afflicted from the respective ascendants. I am not giving those explanation here due to space saving.

Conclusion: The 4th house from ascendant, Moon ascendant, Sun ascendant and natural ascendant(Mesh rashi) are heavily afflicted. The 4th house has made relation with 6th house or 6th lord. So cancer has developed in the right breast. Jupiter is the 8th and 11th(6th from 6th) lord from ascendant, in the star of 6th lord and placed in the 8th ; Ketu is in the 6th has made relation with Moon. So in the mahadasha of Jupiter and in the antardasha of Ketu the disease was developed. Hospitalization is judged from 12th. As Ketu is in the star of 12th lord and aspected by Moon and Rahu from 12th house, the hospitalization took place. The 8th lord is natural benefic planet and is in 8th and in the star of 6th-1st lord. The 8th lord Jupiter is in the 8th — in his mool-trikona. The native is cured after operation.


Detecting an Ailment:- Head and brain is judged from ascendant. In zodiac Mesh rashi is the indicator of head and brain. Sun and Mars are indicators of brain. Sun is the main indicator of brain and Mars is indicator of brain diseases. Mars is also indicator of tumors. The watery signs are the indicators of tumors. The Saturn is also the indicator of it. For judging tumors, Moon and Jupiter are also be judged as they are the lords of watery signs. When ascendant, lord of ascendant, Mesh rashi, Mars, Sun, the watery signs and their lords are in the evil houses (6th,8th or 12th) or heavily afflicted specially by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars; then there is maximum possibility of brain cancer or malignant tumor in brain.

Example: Date of birth – 24.11.1969, Time – 10:35 am (IST), Place – Howrah, West Bengal.

Ascendant is Makara, Mars is in the ascendant, Rahu in 2nd, Saturn(R) is in 4th, Moon is in 5th, Ketu is in 8th, Jupiter and Venus are in 10th , Sun and Mercury are in 11th. The lord of 22nd drekkan of ascendant is Jupiter.

Brain tumor of the native was detected in February 2003. The indication of the disease was heavy pain in head. The native was admitted in hospital and an operation in brain had been done. After that she was given chemotherapy. But no improvement was seen. She was died on 29th November, 2003.

Explanation: 1. 4th-11th(6th from 6th) lord and badhaka of ascendant Mars is in the ascendant, aspected by Saturn and Rahu and in the star of 7th lord Moon. Rashi aspect of Ketu, Moon, 6th lord Mercury and karaka planet Sun are in the ascendant. The lord of ascendant Saturn(retrograde and debilitated)– has made house exchange with Mars and aspecting each other, afflicted by Ketu and in the star of Ketu. 3rd-12th lord Jupiter and Venus are aspecting Saturn; and rashi aspect of 6th lord Mercury, karaka planet Sun and Rahu are there on Saturn. So main indicator of tumors – Mars being placed in ascendant and aspected by Saturn the tumor became malignant. Here ascendant and its lord both are afflicted.

  1. The main indicator of tumor – Mars himself is 11th lord(6th from 6th) and badhaka and placed in the 1st house which indicates brain; and also afflicted. Rashi aspects of Ketu, Moon(another indicator of tumor), 6th lord Mercury and karaka of brain Sun are there on Mars. So Mars is afflicted.
  2. Tumors are created due to impurity of blood. So blood indicating houses and planets are also should be judged. Here we can see that 4th, 8th and 12th house and their lords are afflicted by malefic.
  3. The 6th lord Mercury is conjoined with Sun(karaka of brain), aspected by 7th lord Moon, placed in 11th (6th from 6th) and has made square aspect with Rahu and Ketu. Saturn , Rahu and Jupiter are aspecting the 6th house. So 6th house and it’s lord both are afflicted.
  4. The 8th house and it’s lord are also afflicted by malefic.
  5. Karaka of brain Sun and Mars are afflicted by malefic.
  6. In respect from Moon ascendant: Here we can see all the above mentioned houses and their lords from Moon ascendant are afflicted by malefic.
  7. In respect from Sun ascendant: Here we can also see all the above mentioned houses and their lords from Sun ascendant are afflicted by malefic.
  8. At last when we judge from the natural ascendant of zodiac(Mesh Rashi), we can also see all the above mentioned houses and their lords from Mesh rashi are afflicted by malefic. I am not giving last five explanations for saving space. I think the learned readers can understand it.


Conclusion: It is seen that from all the four ascendant(birth ascendant, Moon ascendant, Sun ascendant and Mesh rashi) the karaka houses and karaka planets all are afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars under any circumstances. Rahu is in maraka sthana. Being the karaka of tumors Mars is in 1st house aspected by Saturn; so the tumor has become malignant. Moon is also responsible for tumors. That Moon also afflicted by Saturn(as it is retrograde). Another karaka of tumors is Jupiter(as it is the lord of watery sign); Jupiter is also aspected by Saturn. Saturn is aspected by Ketu and Mars. So by giving aspect to all the karaka planet of tumors, Saturn has made the tumor malignant due to relation with Ketu. Moon and Rahu is in 4th-10th position. So in the mahadasha of Rahu and in antardasha of Moon the disease is developed and detected. The lord of 22nd drekkana of ascendant – Jupiter is in the star of Mars. So in the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Mars the native was died. Being the badhaka Mars is in ascendant and aspecting the lord of ascendant. The lord of ascendant is debilitated. For placement in the 12th of Rahu, Mars has become the most maraka.

At last it is seen that in which part of body cancer is developing, the indicator planet of that house makes relation with 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th house and their lords; and with Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars. In some cases all the other planets including Jupiter also can be the karaka of cancer when they are heavily afflicted by malefic. So every planet should be judged thoroughly. Responsible of malignant growth is Rahu. But Ketu also can make malignant growth. In every only Rahu does not create the malignant growth. Ketu has much role in this matter. When Saturn and Mars being the evil lords of ascendant and afflict any house and house lord with Rahu and Ketu, then there is maximum chances of cancer in that part of body. But more research on medical astrology is highly needed. Medical astrology is such a part of astrology, by which every man can be served. Specially if the physicians have deep knowledge in medical astrology, they can detect diseases more easily.

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