What Is My Fengsui Kua Number?


Bhushan Ratnakar Jyotishsastri 26th Sep 2019

The Kua number is vital to classical feng shui for determining your auspicious and inauspicious directions. The formula, called the Eight Mansions Kua Formula, is simple and easy to follow. It is broken down into two steps; the first part is calculated using your birth year with the second calculation made based on your gender.

What You Need for this?

To calculate anyone's feng shui kua number, you will need the following information:
     $ The year they were born
     $ Gender

Step 1: Add Last Two Digits of Birth Year Add the last two digits of your birth year together.
Example: 1981 = 8 + 1 = 9

Some dates may give you a double digit answer. In such cases, simply add these together until you receive a single digit.

Example: 1985 = 8 + 5 = 13 1 + 3 = 4

Step 2: Add or Subtract Based on Gender In the next step, you will either add or subtract numbers from your single digit birth year result depending on your gender.

These numbers depend on whether you were born before or after 2000.

A. Feng Shui Kua Number Calculator for Females Born Before 2000:

If you're a female born before the year 2000, you will need to add 5 to your single digit year result. This will give your Kua Number.

Example of a female birth year 1981 added down to 9 in Step 1 looks like this for the second step: 9 + 5 = 14 For two digit results, you'll need to add them again to reach the appropriate number.

1 + 4 = 5 (Kua number)

If you're a female with a birth year of 1985 added down to 4 in the first step, the second step looks like this:

4 + 5 = 9 (Kua number)

B. Kua Number Calculator for Females Born After 2000

If you're a female and were born after 2000, then add 6 to your year result (single digit). Example of a female birth year 2005 added down to 5 in the first step results in the following:
5 + 6 = 11

Again, if the result is two digits, add them together to reach a single digit.

1 + 1 = 2 (Kua number)

C. Feng Shui Kua Calculator for Males Born Before 2000
If you're a male born before the year 2000, you will need to subtract your single digit year result from 10. This will give your Kua number.
Example of a male birth year 1981 added down to 9 looks like this:
10 - 9 = 1 (Kua number)
For a male birth year 1985 added down to 4 looks like this:
10 - 4 = 6 (Kua number)

D. Kua Number Calculator for Males Born in 2000 and After If you're a male born after the year 2000, you will need to subtract your single digit year result from 9. This will give your Kua number.

Example, if you were born in 2005, your single digit result is 5:
9 - 5 = 4 (Kua number)

What Is My Kua Number?

Once you've calculated your kua number, it's easy to determine the best compass directions for various areas of your life, such as work, love, health, wealth, etc. Four of the eight mansions (eight compass directions) will be auspicious directions, and four will be inauspicious directions. With this information, you can improve all areas of your life and avoid directions that aren't auspicious to your kua number.

Article Edited and Submitted by Astro Bhushan Ratnakar, Nagpur

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