This one is for Astro-students. A little bird told me " The houses 1,4,7,10 are Physical,2,5,8,11 are Mental and 3,6,9,12 are Spritiual. (body,mind and soul). 1,5,9 are Dharma,2,6,10 Artha, 3,7,11 are Kama and 4,8,12 are Moksha. Taking Kama houses you find 7. Physical Kama (sex partner like relationship,) 11. Mental Kama( friends like relationship,) 3.Sprtual Kama ( uncoventional , Gay, like relationship). First check the Kalapurush Rasis. 3.Mithuna, 7. Tula and 11.Kumbha. The Planets in these Rasis Play a major role in those Areas irrespective of ANY Lagna of the Native. For MALE native Tula (phy.attachment) is more important. For FEMALE native Kumbha ( mental attachment) is more important. For BOTH natives Mithuna( uncoventional attachment) is more imporant. for example Tula for Male, Rah. in Kumbha for Female gives troubled relationship. Rah in Mithuna both may get involved with big age different persons. Its good to have no planets in these RASIS"" My comment : check from Lagna also to add to these results. In getting a Partner we get Prize, Surprise or Concillation prize. Be happy with what you got.....