

Gurvinder Singh 19th Nov 2018

Karaka of courage, younger brother, sta-mina, immovable property, diseases, ene-mies, blood, surgery, science, logic, lands, fire, defence, mathematics, step-mother, passions, anger, hatred, violence, sins, vindictiveness, lewdness, sudden death murders, accidents, poverty, bravery, fires of ambition, force, muscles, wounds, foes.


Professions:  Police, military, medical, surgery, involving instruments, armament, chemist, geology, engineering, dairy-jobs, jail, cooking, hunting, circus, thieving, barber, metal trade, butcher, weapons, lands, sports, property dealer, dentist, baker, fire-man, furnace, athletes, Commander of army, archery


Mars in signs


Aries: An urge to take initiative, determined to achieve success, lacks consideration for others, aggressive, bold and courageous, organizer and sensual capability, attractive speech.


Taurus: A capacity for hard work, deep reserves of strength, slow but practical, obstinate, prejudiced views, sensual, not soft hearted.


Gemini: Mentally assertive and competitive, trouble shooter, bitingly witty, loves his family, scientific mind, quick, rash, fond of music and going to other countries.


Cancer: Lacks self control, moody, repressed anger, intelligent, fond of travels, weak mind and constitution medical proficiency, speculative. 


Leo: Tirelessly and consistently enterprising, generous, liberal, self-confident, tremendous vitality and passion, noble, tendency for self importance and vanity, regard for elders and preceptors, combative. 


Virgo: Cautious, methodical, analytical, precise, highly strung, moralistic, self-confident, conceited, ceremonial minded, pretentious.


Libra: Able to act strategically but over dependent on other’s support and views, indecisive, materialistic, business-like, fond of adulation, boastful, unhappy in marriage.


Scorpio: Power conscious, holds grudges, overbearing with others emotionally and sexually, firm minded, secretive, proud, haughty, tenacious memory, highly sinful.


Sagittarius:Pleasure loving, crafty conservative, frank, exacting, has loving, intelligent and devoted wife


Capricorn: Meticulous planning, realistic ambitions, decisive and result oriented actions, persevering, exploitative, tactful, respected, influential, acquires high position.


Aquarius: Unorthodox methods, needs to act rationally, acts in own way, concern for society, combative, controversial, quick in forgiving and forgetting, harsh, unkind, untruthful.


Pisces: restless, works behind  scenes, dormant attitude to aims, avoids confrontations, disrespectful escapist, antagonistic, passionate. 

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यस्मिन् जीवति जीवन्ति बहव: स तु जीवति | काकोऽपि किं न कुरूते चञ्च्वा स्वोदरपूरणम् || If the 'living' of a person results in 'living' of many other persons, only then consider that person to have really 'lived'. Look even the crow fill it's own stomach by it's beak!! (There is nothing great in working for our own survival) I am not finding any proper adjective to describe how good this suBAshit is! The suBAshitkAr has hit at very basic question. What are all the humans doing ultimately? Working to feed themselves (and their family). So even a bird like crow does this! Infact there need not be any more explanation to tell what this suBAshit implies! Just the suBAshit is sufficient!! *जिसके जीने से कई लोग जीते हैं, वह जीया कहलाता है, अन्यथा क्या कौआ भी चोंच से अपना पेट नहीं भरता* ? *अर्थात- व्यक्ति का जीवन तभी सार्थक है जब उसके जीवन से अन्य लोगों को भी अपने जीवन का आधार मिल सके। अन्यथा तो कौवा भी भी अपना उदर पोषण करके जीवन पूर्ण कर ही लेता है।* हरि ॐ,प्रणाम, जय सीताराम।

न भारतीयो नववत्सरोSयं तथापि सर्वस्य शिवप्रद: स्यात् । यतो धरित्री निखिलैव माता तत: कुटुम्बायितमेव विश्वम् ।। *यद्यपि यह नव वर्ष भारतीय नहीं है। तथापि सबके लिए कल्याणप्रद हो ; क्योंकि सम्पूर्ण धरा माता ही है।*- ”माता भूमि: पुत्रोSहं पृथिव्या:” *अत एव पृथ्वी के पुत्र होने के कारण समग्र विश्व ही कुटुम्बस्वरूप है।* पाश्चातनववर्षस्यहार्दिकाःशुभाशयाः समेषां कृते ।। ------------------------------------- स्वत्यस्तु ते कुशल्मस्तु चिरयुरस्तु॥ विद्या विवेक कृति कौशल सिद्धिरस्तु ॥ ऐश्वर्यमस्तु बलमस्तु राष्ट्रभक्ति सदास्तु॥ वन्शः सदैव भवता हि सुदिप्तोस्तु ॥ *आप सभी सदैव आनंद और, कुशल से रहे तथा दीर्घ आयु प्राप्त करें*... *विद्या, विवेक तथा कार्यकुशलता में सिद्धि प्राप्त करें,* ऐश्वर्य व बल को प्राप्त करें तथा राष्ट्र भक्ति भी सदा बनी रहे, आपका वंश सदैव तेजस्वी बना रहे.. *अंग्रेजी नव् वर्ष आगमन की पर हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं* ज्योतिषाचार्य बृजेश कुमार शास्त्री

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