
Sandhya Singh 10th Oct 2019




  1. Lagna represents the body of native.  Lagna and Lagna Lord must be ‘healthy’ to ensure good health to the native.


  1. Different houses rule over specific body parts.  Benefic influences on specific houses indicate soundness of health of such body part as ruled by those houses, and adverse influence.  Indicate disease.


  1. Body in general, head, brain, complexion
  2. Face, mouth, teeth, speech, right eye
  3. Throat, right ear, neck, shoulder, ears, physical fitness.
  4. Thorax, lungs, chest.
  5. Heart, mind, foregut, conception
  6. Diseases in general, midget, kidney, injury, operation.
  7. Umbilical region, sexual, Pelvic a hindgut
  8. Extend genitalia, incurable diseases, amputation, longevity.
  9. Hips, thigh, hip joint
  10. Knees, Patella
  11. Legs, left ear
  12. Feet, left eye, hospitalization, death.


Different opinions:  Some consider heart from 4, full intestines VI


As a matter of principle, house where Lord and Lagna resides, tends to prosper enjoy good health.


Navamsha, the most important division also must be analyzed as rasi chart.  (It is said, if indications from rasi and navamsha chart differs / contradict; Navamsha take procedence.


64th Navamsha has special sinister relevance in medical astrology.


Vargottam Lagna / Planets indicate state of strength.


          Drekna is another subdivision of importance for medical astrology.  22nd Drekkana (Drekna in 8th House from Lagna) is special significance from decision point of view.


Health, with is signified by Lagna, Lagna Lord, suffes when Lana and Lagna Lord are afflicted. 


Benefic influences on Lagna / Lagna low improve health.








A house gets afflicted


Occupied by malefic, Aspected by malefic, Owned by malefic, Afflicted also in divisions.


A planet or Lord of house gets afflicted:


Associates / Aspected by malefic placed in adverse house 6/8/12.


Associated with Lord of 6/8/12. 

Generally weak combust / Debil.  Afflicted also in divisions.  Placed in sign owned by natural malefic. 


A house gets Strength and Protection


Lord of House is exalted, aspect own House. Vargottam.  Associated with benefics.  Aspected by benefices. Associated with good house (5, 9), or their larges.  Strong and well placed in divisional charts.







Kills when longevity is over, otherwise they make person sick.


2 lord is stronger maraka than 7th lord.


Principles from Prashara:


  1. Lord of maraka houses, their associates, natural malefic occupying maraka houses – All have propensity to cause sickness / Death during their dosa / antardasa.


  1. When longevity is over, but dasa of marka is not operating; dasa of a benefic associated with 12 lord can assume maraca functions.


  1. Even dasa of a natural malefic Saturn & Rahu can become unqualified markas


  1. A maraka does not kill during antadarsha of a benefic planet, but can kill during antardasha of unassociated malefic.


  1. Saturn qualifies as most potent maraka when associated with a marka Lord.


  1. During dosa of a marka Lord, antardasha of 6 / 8 / 12 Lord proves to be a maraka.


  1. Lords of 2 & 7 House from moon become as maraca, if they happens to be natural malefics.


  1. Lords of the 3, 5 & 7 Nakshatras prove maraka for with Alpaya, medium and long ayu, specitively.




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