
Shailendra Choudhary 19th Mar 2020

Capricorn is 10th sign in zodiac belt and it rules the natural 10th house in kaal purush kundali. 10th house is the house of status, work place, reputation at work place.In the 10th house Mars and Sun get the directional strengths. Saturn is Transiting the sign of Capricorn and will continue to transit till August 2022. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn. On March 23rd 2020 Mars will transit in the sign of Capricorn and will remain here for next 40 to 45 days. On March 29 2020Jupiter will transit in sign of Capricorn and will remain here till June 29 2020. So in the month of April and First week of May 2020, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter will transit in the sign of Capricorn. Mars will be exalted and Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn however Jupiter will be debilitated in Capricorn, In this case Jupiter will get cancellation of debilitation because of extreme neech bhanga which will produce raj yoga for Jupiter. Capricorn is the sign of hard work and physical labour. During this time Government of countries will remain highly active including the military of countries. They will get huge responsibilities to take of their home states as the opposite sign of Capricorn will be Cancer. People will see. the results of the house where these planets will transit. For Aries ascendant people, the transit will be in 10th house , so they will see changes in their career and reputation l. They may get promotion or some important project during this time, surely their reputation will increase. For Taurus ascendant, the transit will take place in 9th house of luck and fortune . Taurus ascendant will have lots of temple visit and long distance traveling during this time. For Gemini ascendant people , the transit will take place in 8th house of fear and longetivity, so they will face their fears and will accomplish their fears with hard work , also for married Gemini ascendant they will get lots of support from their in laws. Also they may inherit wealth. Four cancer ascendant people, the transit will take place in 7th house of business and spouse, so they will get involved in their business and they will see the sudden growth in their business, also their spouse will get success in their career.. For leo ascendant people, the transit will take in 6th house , of debts, loan and health. Leo ascendant people will work to improve their health and to pay their debts, they will get success over there enemies. For Virgo ascendant people, the transit will be in the 5th house of education and new learnings. They will get the opportunity to learn new subjects, also for married Virgo Ascendancy's people , chances of having children are very high. Also they will have lots of fun during this time. For Libra ascendant people , the transit will take place in 4th house, so they purchase new properties and vehicles , also they will get the support of their mother. For scorpio ascendant peiple, the transit will take place in 3rd house , so they will take new opportunities I. their career and they may start their own business during this. Lots of courageous activities, responsibilities and traveling will happen. For Sagittarius ascendant people, the transit will be in 2nd house, so their savings will increase and their family will get lots of stability and financial support. For Capricorn ascendant people, the transit will be in ascendant, so their hard work will increase and they will loose lots of weight during this time. For Aquarius ascendant people , the transit will be in 12 th house , which increase their possibilities for their foreign settlement however lots expenses and hospital visits will happen, also they may loose their work. For Pisces Ascendant people, they will have highest of desire fulfilled during this time also they will make new friends and will have good financial gains. All the results of transit should also be seen from Arudha lagna.

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