THE FOUR GOALS OF LIFE Vedic astrology was first cognized by the ancient sages (maharishis) who “saw” the true interactions of the en- tire cosmos. They developed this system to help people actualize the four basic goals, or stages, of human exis- tence. These four goals are shared by almost every liv- ing person regardless of nationality, religious orien- tation, or color. They are: kama, artha, dharma, and moksha.
•Kama means desire. More specifically, it pertains
to the full enjoyment of the senses, whether good food, pleasant music, beautiful views, soft
touches, or fragrant smells. Of course, in the cycle of life one’s desires change. What begins as a de- sire for mother’s milk soon becomes a desire to wear mascara, then a desire for early retirement.
•Artha means wealth, and relates to obtaining
material comfort. When you are not stressed out about paying your bills every month, you have more ease, better health, and clearer thinking, which frees you to focus on things that you feel are more important.
•Dharma has many translations, one of which is
purpose. Dharma here pertains to your life work, or vocation. It is your inborn drive to discover a vocational path that utilizes your innate talents
and abilities so that your worldly work is a full ex- pression of who you are.
•Moksha means liberation, alignment with a greater
purpose, spiritual freedom. Although moksha is one of the four aims of life, it is actually the bedrock upon which the other three sit. To realize our goals in the real world requires a greater pur- pose behind them. Otherwise, our achievements are useless and fleeting.